Sunday, August 26, 2012

What's the Big Deal

3rd-5th Grade Homework for the week of 8/27/12

Homework Task: For homework , students will write, illustrate, or use technology to describe  events in history that have impacted them in a positive or negative way and tell why. The events can from U.S. or world history (3 events for 3rd, 4 for 4th, 5 for 5th grades).

Discussion Question: What are you most excited to learn about history? Post your answer below.

The Earth's Spheres

1st -2nd Grade Homework (The week of 8/27/12):

Homework Task: As a human in the biosphere, share how you interact in another one of the earth’s spheres while you are on vacation. You may choose to write a story, illustrate a picture, or use technology to show your interaction.
For example: On a trip to the beach, you might swim in the ocean. You are then in the biosphere interacting with the hydrosphere of the ocean water.

 1.  Choose one of the spheres below and complete task. You will be graded with the rubric you  
       were given.
                                                       Geosphere       Atmosphere    Hydrosphere

Discussion Question: Which of the earth's spheres do you find most interesting? List 3 reasons to support you statement from the information you read in class on your fact sheets. Post your answer below.

Welcome to Challenge Class!

Congratulations students for completing two successful weeks of Challenge class! You're off to a fantastic start. During the last two weeks we learned about gifts and viewpoints. Please share what you found most exciting or what you learned. Before you post your comment be sure to read the directions at the top of this blog. Be sure to check the blog weekly to post responses to the discussion questions.