Monday, August 12, 2013

Welcome Back to the Gifted and Talented/Talent Development Program!

Gifted/Talent Development Class Syllabus
M. A. Jones Elementary/ Cascade Elementary Schools
August 5, 2013

     Welcome parents and students to the Gifted/Talent Development Program! I am Mrs. Dickson and I will provide Gifted and Talented as well as Talent Development instruction beginning the week of August 19th.  Classes will meet for students in first through second grades on Monday (M. A. Jones)/Wednesday (Cascade) and for students in third through fifth grades on Tuesday (M.A. Jones)/Thursday (Cascade). The Challenge classroom focus is on differentiated standards-based lessons and activities that promote advanced communication skills, advanced research skills, creative thinking and problem solving skills, and higher order critical thinking skills.
     In “Symbols”, the first unit for first and second graders, students will become scientists who  will understand that symbols surround people in their daily lives, they provide a means of universal communication, and they preserve their meaning over time. As a part of the performance task, students will become design team members and will create their own symbols that represent themselves.
      In the first unit for third through fifth grade students, The World’s Greatest Travel Agent, they will learn to appreciate the geography and culture around the United States. Students will make connections between all academic disciplines to help run a successful travel business. Using data retrieval charts, graphic organizers, writing itineraries, creating budgets, and sharing information learned through research projects and persuasive writing are some of the unit requirements.
     Students should come prepared on their Challenge day with 1) a 2-inch wide three ring notebook (new or used), 2) notebook paper, 3) pencils, and 4) a marbled cover composition book for journaling. One project will be expected at the end of each unit of study.  As a part of weekly homework, students should visit the class blog (QR code linked below), which is listed below to retrieve assignments and participate in discussion.  Discussion topics will change weekly and homework assignments will be posted weekly. Edmodo will be another technology tool students visit regularly to collaborate with the teacher and peers. All student participants must adhere to the rules and guidelines for posting comments.
     Upcoming newsletters from me will keep you abreast of what is taking place in the classroom as well as celebrate student successes. As always, I look forward to having a successful year of teaching and learning with our students. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Challenge /Talent Development Class Responsibility Plan

Class rules:
1. Come prepared to learn
2. Listen and follow directions.
3. Respect yourself and others.
4. Be responsible for your own learning.
5. Do your best.
6. Be kind to the school and its property.
7. Keep your hands to yourself.
8. Be safe and fair.

*Please remember that kindness is contagious!!!

Teacher modeling, curriculum that enhances self-awareness and character development will serve to reinforce positive citizenship qualities among students.

1st = verbal warning
2nd = separation from group Class Dojo point(s) taken away
3rd = silent lunch
4th = notify parents
5th = discipline referral

Positive Reinforcements:
Class Dojo points
classroom managers
stickers on conduct chart
“class cash”
tokens (stickers, erasers, pencils)
notify parents

Mrs. Dickson
Gifted/Talented Development Teacher
M. A. Jones Elementary and Cascade Elementary 
(404) 802-3900                             (404)802-8100 

Please keep reading for our classroom Expectations. For information regarding the Gifted and Talented Program Screening and Referral Process click here.

Gifted and Talented Expectations 

1. Come to class on time
• Unless you are ill, you should be at school every day.
• Arrive before the first bell rings to give yourself time to get organized and take care of personal business. Do not be late.

2. Be prepared for class
• Think ahead to be sure you bring to class the items you will need throughout the year.
• Inform your parents if you do not have the materials you need, or if you need help getting them, talk to your teacher.
• Bring all projects and presentations on or before the due date.

3. Do the assigned work
• Plan ahead so you have sufficient time to complete work thoughtfully.
• Establish a routine time and quiet place for completing assignments.
• Make good use of every moment while in class and doing homework.
• Work hard to learn to focus and concentrate on your work. The amount of effort you put forth will directly impact your learning, grades, confidence and future! Work hard, get smart!!

4. Respect yourself and others
• Treat others the same as you would want them to treat you.
• Work hard to understand how your actions affect the feelings of others.
• Be sure to tell the school staff and your parents if someone is making you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or upset.
• Our class has NO TOLERANCE for bully behavior, harassment, threats or violence.

5. Stewardship: respect property and the environment
• None of us have the right to take, touch or damage other people’s property without permission from the owner.
• We will not litter, mark up, mess up or break property or living things, as it is disrespectful to all of us who care about this school and our earth.
• We will be responsible stewards of our building, the playgrounds and fields we use, our community, our earth and its resources.