Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Week of December 9, 2013

We are nearing the end of our first unit. Complete the Symbols Unit Performance Task for Homework. Presentations will be next week!

Due Date:  December 16th (Jones) and 18th (Cascade)

Goal- To create a symbol that represents you.

Role- Member of a Design Logo Team

Audience- Kindergarten - Second Grade Students

Situation- A group of primary aged students would like to create a symbol that represents them. They have asked their teacher to invite a logo designer (you) to come in and show them how to complete their symbols. Your job is to present the students with “how to tips” involved with creating symbols. Provide students with a brief presentation about how this is done and give an example of a symbol you have created that represents you. Also, give an explanation on why this symbol is reflective of you.

Product, Performance, Purpose- Students will give an oral presentation on how to create a symbol and present a graphic image of a symbol that represents them.

Expectations (Criteria for Success)- Detailed information, image of symbol, explanation of meaning

3rd-5th Graders

Presentations will take place on December 17th (Jones) and 19th (Cascade)

Culminating Activity- You will pretend that you are a travel agent and you own your own travel agency. You need to plan a trip for a client who wants to travel various regions in North America. 
Use the packet of directions and rubrics you were given in class. 
You may use the following websites to research your information:

Monday, December 2, 2013

Advanced Academic Night

Parents of 5th grade gifted student,

Advanced Academic Night will be held on December 3, 2013, 6:00 – 8:00 pm.  5th graders  received a flyer prior to break regarding the details. Please come out and see presentations on the middle school gifted experience.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Week of December 2, 2013 - Use these resources/steps to help you make your travel agency brochure

3rd-5th Grade Brochure Resources

In class you will create a brochure to advertise you travel agency.  Brochures must focus on the history of the destination you chose. It must include pictures, text, and a bibliography of the resources. This can be done by using http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/Printing_Press/

Travel brochure examples can be seen here- http://www.notesfromtheroad.com/index4.html?utm_expid=6494612-4
This site offers photos, maps, and narratives on places all over the world. http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/family-trips/photos/  National Geographic city guides, which contain in-depth information, city and park highlights, and more, are available from this page. Examine them together.  
After looking at these resources, what additional information do you need to make a useful travel brochure?  Think about these questions:
o   Who is your audience for this brochure? What is your purpose? (Is it to convince your parents to take you on a trip?  Is it to share with your grandparents so they can learn about your adventure?  Is it for your neighbors to help them if they decide to go to the same place?  Is it for yourself, so that you can keep a vivid memory of your trip?)
o   What qualities of a brochure (maps, diagrams, photos, bulleted lists, etc.) would help you create a brochure that will be useful for your audience?

Use your Things to Include in a Travel Brochure HandoutWhen you are ready to create their travel brochure, do it online using the Printing Press or Microsoft Publisher. An example of what the brochure can look like can be seen here.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Homework for the Week of November 11th

1st - 2nd Graders

This week we identified various universal symbols and you worked to complete two of the four tasks in class as your synthesis activity. For homework, choose another activity from your Symbols Choice Menu to complete. Remember you must have three across or diagonally in order to fulfill the requirements of  tic-tac-toe.

Type a question or thought that you had at the end of class. Respond to a peer's post in a positive manner. Follow the directions previously given to post a comment.

3rd-5th Graders

This week you predicted outcomes, determined exact locations, and recognized roadside attractions in various locations, and created roadside attractions. For homework, complete your 2-5-8 Task Organizer that you received  to present in class next week.

Type a question or thought that you had at the end of class. Respond to a peer's post in a positive manner. Follow the directions previously given to post a comment.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Homework the Week of November 4, 2013

Jones and Cascade 1st - 2nd Grade Homework

1. Discussion Question:  What new symbol(s) did you notice in the past week? Where was it? Based on your observations, what do you think it means? After you post your response here, reply to someone else's post in a positive manner.

To post your response to answer the week's current discussion...
1. Read the question
2. Click Comments. Type your response.
3. Add your first name and the first initial of your last name. (For example TIffany L.)
4. Click Anonymous.
5. Click Publish.

2. Complete the Mastery Tasks below for for next week. You may use your handout to write your answers or display the answers on something you create.

Mastery Task
Choose three numbers from the American numeric system and write the same numbers in the Chinese form.
Interpersonal Task
Do you feel every country should use the same symbols for their numeric systems? Explain

Understanding Task
Why are there different numeric systems? Give two reasons.

Self-Expression Task
What would our world be like without number symbols?

Jones 3rd - 5th Grades

1. Discussion Question: What surprised you the most in regards to your research on Antarctic, Australia, Himalayas (China and Nepal) for which you had to find information on the animal life, weather, culture, and landforms. How was your original viewpoint changed based on what you found out?

To post your response to answer the week's current discussion...

1. Read the question
2. Click CommentsType your response.
3. Add your first name and the first initial of your last name. (For example TIffany L.)
4. Click Anonymous.
5. Click Publish.

2.  Finish your critical thinking questions for the articles you read during the compare/contrast lesson. Then use this information to help you complete your Vacations in Europe and America Venn Diagram

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Homework for the Week of October 28th

Jones 1st - 2nd Graders

Complete one task from your Symbols Choice Board Menu.

Symbols Choice Board
1. Newspaper Mania

Search through magazines or newspapers to make a collage of symbols.
2. Survey on Symbols

Create and conduct a survey about symbols. Show your responses in a graph.
3. Crossword

Pick 8   symbols that we have studied and create a crossword puzzle.
4. A Year of Symbols

Think of a symbol that can be related to each month of the year. Write why this symbol is associated with its month.
5. Cereal Symbol

Make a cereal based on a U.S. symbol. Be creative and design the cereal box cover.
6. Alphabetical Order

Create a book of 6 symbols with each page representing a different symbol in alphabetical order.
7. I Spy Symbols

Think of 10 symbols you see on your way to school. Create a story that includes all these symbols and where you see them.
8. Commercial Creation

Create a commercial that showcases a business symbol. It may be a real business symbol or one you create.
9. Celebration Song

Create a song about symbols that people use during celebrations.

Jones 3rd- 5th Graders

Packed and Ready to Go…

Task Description:

Look at the different travel brochures on http://www.travimp.com/brochures.   Pick a place in the United States that looks like it would be fun to visit. Use the pictures on the travel brochure to guess what the climate is like in that place. Research the weather conditions during the month of November. Create a list of clothes that you will need to pack if you were going to that place for a vacation. Create a suitcase for your trip. Cut out pictures from magazines and create your own wardrobe for your trip. Record the name of the place that you’re planning to visit and explain why you packed what you packed. What do you think the climate will be like? Why are the clothes that you packed a good fit for this climate? Decide how you will travel to your destination. Research the cost of traveling for a three to five day vacation. Include the hotel and travel expenses.

Assessment Criteria:
·      Description of climate is consistent with the pictures in the brochure.
·      Appropriate clothing is packed in the suitcase.
·      Explanation of why the clothing in the suitcase fits the climate is logical.
·      Description of the cost of traveling to destination.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Homework for the Week of October 21st

Jones 1st - 2nd Grades

1. Create a book based on your learning from the Jigsaw activity on traffic symbols.

First write down your thoughts on what you would to include in your book. Sketch out your cover on your page. (1st grade = 2 sentences per page, 2nd = 3 sentences per page….or more)
Then transfer your writing into your book.
Do your illustrations last that relate to your words.

2. Choose an activity on your Task Creation Menu. Use your notes on the signs you saw around the school when we went on our walk.

Jones 3rd- 5th

Complete the sections of your World Regions Chart for Antarctica and Australia using the following resources for your research: (Click on the links below to see the videos and Power Points.)  You may also use book resources, the list of websites given to you, and your two maps.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Homework for the Week of October 14th

M. A. Jones 3rd - 5th Grades

Students will choose to create an electronic non-fiction book using the computer on Bookr www.pimpampum.net/bookr or one they create to reflect today’s learning.

Use your jigsaw organizer, article,  and powerpoint  if needed. The book should be written in your own words. Use appropriate illustrations that add meaning to your text.

Cascade 3rd - 5th Grades
You will complete your two organizers for comparing and contrasting. You may use the map that is attached to the back as well as the powerpoint that is linked above.

1st - 2nd Grades

Monday and Tuesday classes did not meet due to the break, field trip, and testing in the regular classroom. These students do not have an assignment due next week. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

Homework for the Week of October 7th

All 1st - 2nd Graders

Homework: (Flipped Classroom Strategy)

The Future of Travel and Traffic Symbols

Today we learned all about traffic symbols during a jigsaw activity and reading of our informational article. For homework, watch the video above on the future of travel.

If the way we travel will change in the future, think about how traffic symbols will need to change as well. It is the year 2050 and modes of transportation have changed drastically. Design a traffic symbol of the future that could be helpful in 2050. What is its purpose? What does it look like? What does it mean? Does it replace any traffic symbols we use today? Where would you see it? Present your future traffic symbol next week and answer the questions listed above.

All 3rd- 5th Graders

For homework you will practice figuring out latitude and longitude of several places on the US map.

 Click on the video embedded above.
First find the approximate location of their town and mark it with a dot.
Then draw two more dots in other areas of the country and work independently or in pairs to figure out the approximate latitude and longitude of those places.
Lastly, figure out the longitude and latitude of the following places on your US map:
3rd Grade will locate:  2 historical landmarks in different states
4th Grade will locate: New York City, NY; Boston, MA; Philadelphia, PA; and the Erie Canal.
5th: Chisholm Trail; Pittsburgh, PA; Gettysburg, PA; Kitty Hawk, NC; Pearl Harbor, HI; and Montgomery, AL.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Homework for the Week of September 30th

1st - 2nd Grades
Compare and contrast what you have learned about hieroglyphics with what you research about traffic symbols. Use the Venn Diagram you were given in class. Gather your research on traffic symbols from multiple sources: books, magazines, observation, and the Internet. You will present your findings in class next week.

M. A. Jones 
1st - 2nd Grades

Your assignment is to re-read the article Hieroglyphics by Cindy Griggs that we read in class. You were given a special organizer that will help you collect information from the article.  Remember the 3 hypotheses you made while you went on your "museum walk"? Use your organizer to collect evidence from the article that supports (agrees with) your hypotheses or refutes (proves it to be wrong) your hypotheses. We will discuss your findings next week.

Cascade and M. A. Jones 
3rd - 5th Grades

Good job today on your lesson's post-test on time zones. For homework, research lines of longitude and latitude because next week we will focus on them. You may click here to view a helpful presentation and your notes from class to compare and contrast lines of longitude and latitude using your Venn Diagram.