Wednesday, December 9, 2015

12/10/15 Cascade 3rd - 5th

Watch the video. Then add more details to your Window Notes Organizer.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Independent Study Projects

During gifted testing (Oct. 26-Nov. 20th) Gifted and Talent Development classes will not meet to accommodate the testing schedule for those being screened for gifted program services at both M. Agnes Jones ES and Cascade ES.

During this time, students will complete independent study projects that are due December 1st (Jones) and December 3rd (Cascade). Students may be pulled during the testing window to work on projects or complete unfinished classroom assignments.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Welcome Back to the Gifted and Talent Development Class!

August 5, 2015

Dear Parents and Students,

     As your Gifted and Talent Development Teacher, I am very excited to start the 2015-2016 school year with you. This year our classroom theme is "Soaring to Greater Heights".  I will serve students at M. Agnes Jones on Monday and Tuesday, and at Cascade on Thursday and Friday. Classes will begin the week of August 17th. Please read the attached welcome back letter for more information and a list of supplies you will need to be successful in class this year. I look forward to meeting you and working with you as always.

Mrs.  Dickson
Itinerant Gifted/Talent Development Teacher
M. Agnes Jones and Cascade Elementaries

Gifted/Talent Development Class Syllabus

M. A. Jones Elementary/ Cascade Elementary Schools
Class Overview
Welcome parents and students to the Gifted/Talent Development Program!  I am Mrs. Dickson and I will provide Gifted and Talented as well as Talent Development instruction beginning the week of August 17th.  Our theme this year is “Soaring to Greater Heights”.  The classroom will be a place the gifts, talents, multiple intelligences, and learning styles of both gifted and Talent Development students alike are embraced, while critical thinking and problem solving skills are better developed. Classroom curriculum is developed from interdisciplinary, differentiated, and standards-based lessons and activities for high ability learners. Units of study are aligned with the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, Georgia Standards of Excellence, as well as the Atlanta Public School’s Gifted and Talented Program Standards. These standards focus on advanced communication skills, advanced research skills, creative thinking and problem solving skills, and higher order critical thinking skills. Classes will meet for students in first through second grades on Monday (M. A. Jones) and Friday (Cascade) and for students in third through fifth grades on Tuesday (M.A. Jones) and Thursday (Cascade).

Two large units and a mini unit will be taught during the school year. In “Symbols”, the first large unit for first and second graders, students will explore why symbols are used, the origin of some symbols, and the universal acceptance of others.
      In the first large unit for third through fifth grade students, “American Footprints”, will develop the steps of creative problem solving, students will extend their knowledge of historical figures, scientists, and inventors by studying the problems they faced and the solutions they found for those problems. Students will learn the steps of creative problem solving through these problem solvers and they will take the necessary steps to apply this knowledge to a problem within their own school environment. They will find a problem, learn all they can about the problem, solve the problem and implement the solution.
     Additional classroom focuses are on STEAM, project based learning, multiple intelligences, and on activities that support the social and emotional needs of all students.

Supplies/Student Expectations
All students are required to bring to class weekly a three ring binder with paper, pencil, and pocket size pencil sharpener. All assignments, class notes, and homework should be kept in the binder and brought to class each week. Occasional binder checks will be done throughout the unit to ensure students are being responsible with keeping up their binders. In addition, the class will have to complete homework assignments, a culminating unit project, and independent study projects. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.


Mrs. Dickson

Itinerant Gifted/Talented Development Teacher
M. Agnes Jones Elementary School
(404) 802-3900
Cascade Elementary School
(404) 802-8100 

Friday, April 3, 2015

Gifted and Talent Development Classes

April 3, 2015

Dear Students and Parents,

Gifted and Talent Development class will not meet April 15th through April 24th due to Georgia Milestones testing. Classes will resume on April 27th. 

Students - Continue to work on your Personal Interest Projects. You will present these in class the last week in April and continue with our STEAM design challenges in May!

Have a wonderful SPRING BREAK!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Little Known African American Heroes

Monday, January 26, 2015

Websites for 3rd-5th Grades Independent Research on Meteorology and Climatology

Prior to the our virtual vsits from a meteorologist and and a climatologist, read online articles to understand the history of the fields of meteorology and climatology, the tools meteorologists and climatologists use, the best resources for them, and possible related career choices. Students in your graphic organize.We will share responses and engage in discussion following this task.

Website List for Students to  independently visit: Click on each link.

Friday, January 23, 2015

January is Gifted Education Month!!!!!

New Gifted/Talent Development Units of Study

Dear Parents,

Your child has begun a new unit in Challenge/Talent Development. The unit for 1st-2nd grade is entitled Money Makes the World Go Round. In this unit students will engage in an Advanced Research unit that deepens their knowledge and understanding of the cost and benefits of personal spending and saving. At the end of the unit, students will be able to:
Explain how money evolved.
Create an advertisement.
Create a new system for trading goods and services.
Make responsible decisions before spending.
Count money.
Devise a plan for saving money and a debt free plan.
Use the 10-20-70 formula.
Create a budget.
Engage in advance research, hypothesized, and predicted.
State ways children can earn money.

Students in 3rd-5th grades are engaging in the unit All Systems Go: Weather from Sun to Storms.  The unit is designed to allow students to gain new understandings about the weather systems that allow Earth to sustain human life. They will learn about the tools that meteorologists use, they will create the tools, and use them to take measurements and predict the weather.  By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
Understand and use the scientific process to answer relevant questions
Analyze different systems
Use evidence to analyze data in order to develop descriptions, explanations, predictions, and
Communicate scientific procedures and explanations
Build at least one piece of a weather station
Demonstrate one weather phenomenon
Complete a research project of their choice on the weather’s  impact on natural disasters

All students are required to bring to class weekly a three ring binder with paper, pencil, and pocket size pencil sharpener. All assignments, class notes, and homework should be kept in the binder and brought to class each week. Occasional binder checks will be done throughout the unit to ensure students are being responsible with keeping up their binders. In addition, the class will have to complete homework assignments and independent study projects. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Mrs. L. Dickson
Itinerant Gifted/Talented Development Teacher
M. Agnes Jones Elementary School
Cascade Elementary School