Congratulations 1st and 2nd graders! We are almost to end of our unit.
Today you used your Window Notes Organizer to generate facts, feelings, questions, and ideas about our learning in the Money Makes the World Go Round Unit. You then used this information to develop two test questions that you would like to see on the post test.
Task: Post your questions here for others to study. Remember your post test may have some of these questions along with those I select. Use your notes, class handouts, and
EdModo to help you answer the questions.
Good luck with your studying!
1 why is money inportant?
2 why did people barter?
1 how can you get to be a money loser?
2 why do people barter?
A. Darbo
How is barter good?
Where do we get barter from?
K. Hambrick
How do you avoid debt?
Is a debt a card?
1. Can you save money on an creidt card?
2. How can you save money?
how can children save money?
is a debt good or bad?
Can money be made from gold?
Why does money make the world go round?
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