Sunday, December 7, 2014

Indian Ocean Webquest

1st-2nd Grades Week of December 8, 2014

Indian Ocean Webquest

Friday, December 5, 2014

Gifted/Talent Development Classes Resume the Week of December 8, 2014

Gifted and Talent Development Classes resume next week. Students will be working complete end of unit assessments, create projects, and participate in culminating Ocean Commotion and Science in the Kitchen Celebration Days. Be sure to bring your binder and supplies to class next week!!!
In celebration of Computer Science Education Week we will participate in the Hour of Code. Every student should have the opportunity to learn computer science. It helps nurture problem-solving skills, logic and creativity. By starting early, students will have a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path. See more stats on

Friday, September 26, 2014

Homework for the Week of September 22, 2014

M. Agnes Jones ONLY 1st-2nd 3rd-5th Cascade ES Classes did not meet. There is not a homework assignment.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ocean Commotion Videos

Week of September 22th This week we will explore the zones of the ocean. Here are two videos we will view. You may want to watch them later, especially to assist with your homework assignment.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Homework for the Week of September 15, 2014

1st - 2nd Graders Creative Writing Write a story about a water molecule that travels through the water cycle. Draw a picture or a diagram to go along with your story. Please use the rubric you were given to assist you. You may view the Magic School Bus Wet All Over to learn more about the water cycle and ways to conserve water. 3rd-5th Graders

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Homework for the Week of September 8, 2014

M. A. Jones
1st - 2nd Task: Complete your readings on the 3 other spheres of the Earth. Fill in the remaining parts of your graphic organizer. Next week, we will make a book based on your findings.
3rd-5th Task: Refer to your handout related to your area of inquiry. Use the provided sources to add more information to your Window Notes Organizer. Create your assigned project type from your notes.
Cascade 1st-2nd Finish reading your 4 spheres packet that we went over in class and complete your graphic organizer about the differences between the spheres. Be sure to write neatly and make your illustrations colorful!
3rd-5th Use your charts related to your area of inquiry for ice cream research. Evaluate the sources and turn your findings from research into a project (poster, Glogster, Power Point, timeline, cartoon or other previously approved choice).

Ice Cream Article

Read the article and follow your instructions provided by the teacher.

Ice Cream Day Article

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Homework for the Week of August 25, 2014

M. A. Jones ES 1st-2nd
Cascade ES 1st-2nd

Friday, August 22, 2014

Homework for the Week of August 18th

1st-2nd Grades Sea Creature Fact Hunt Due: 8/27/14 (Cascade ES) What sea animal would you like to know more about? Sea Anemone Sea Star Coral Reef Squid Jellyfish Sea Urchin Blowfish Octopus Whale Task: Circle its name. You may add one to the list if the one you would like to explore is not listed. Visit the websites below to find 2 interesting facts if you are in 1st grade and 4 interesting facts if you are in 2nd grade about your creature. Include one fact that describes your sea creature’s relationship with another sea animal or plant that is an example of its interdependency. Display your findings and image of your sea animal on a poster, using technology, on paper, or with a model. Be prepared to present your findings to the class. Helpful Websites to Use
3rd-5th Grades Liquids Are All Around Us Due: 8/26/14 (Jones ES) and 8/28/14 (Cascade ES) Review: This week you learned to use safety rules and procedures when conducting laboratory experiments, ho to apply scientific inquiry to solve a problem, and that that liquids vary in color, acidity, smell, etc. Task: For homework your task is to make a list of different liquids not including those from the experiment. Put them in various categories of your choosing. Be creative with categories and names. You list should contain at least 25 entries and have a minimum of 5 categories. Choose your method of presentation. Just be creative! Here are some ideas: poster, PowerPoint, Bookr, drawing, collage, or Pixton.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Homework for the Week of August 11. 2014

Homework for the Week of August 11, 2014
Directions: Using the information you learned about creativity, complete one of the activities below. 1. The most creative person in the world is.... Explain why. Research and find out about this person. 2. How are you creative? Compare yourself to one person that you admire that you consider creative. What characteristics do you share with this person? What contributions would you like to make to society?

Welcome Gifted and Talent Development Students and Parents!

DicksonSyllabusAug2014.15 by globetrek@1

Parent Testing Flyer 14-15. ENG-SPAN Pub by globetrek@1

Identification%2520and%2520Assessment%2520FAQ%252014 15 by globetrek@1

Identification and Assessment FAQ 14-15 by globetrek@1

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Homework for the Week of May 5, 2014

1st-2nd Grade Homework

Create a food chain that is unique to Georgia. You should include organisms (animals, plants, and people) that live in Georgia only.  Use the following links as resources. Include the following vocabulary words: producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, and prey).

Georgia's 7 Natural Wonders

Georgia Plants
How Plants Grow, 19:00 minutes
A First Look: Plants, 17:00 minutes

Georgia Animals

Additional Resource
(Georgia Habitats)

3rd-5th Graders

Prepare for your culminating project, the mock trial that will take place next week. Finish your The Case of the Hungry 5th grader packet. You should have your 12 arguments for both the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney, your opening, and your closing statements. Your speech organizer should reflect 3 persuasive strategies that you will use to win the case. These strategies can be found below. They are claim, big names, ethos, pathos, logos, kairos, and research.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Homework for the Week of March 24th

M. A. Jones

1st-2nd Grades - You were assigned one of the 7 Natural Wonders of Georgia. Complete your Jigsaw reading assignment and form to show you are an expert on the topic. When we return to class, you will be re-teaching the information you learned to a classmate.

3rd-5th Grades - Complete your persuasive essay using your guidelines and rubric. Bring it in typed or you may email it to me.


1st-2nd Grades - Conduct research on one of the 7 types of soil that we did not investigate today that are found in your article. Give specific details about what makes it unique, where it is found, what grows best in it, and any other relevant information. You may present your findings with a speech, report, drawing, or using technology.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homework for the Week of March 17th

M. A. Jones 1st - 2nd graders (My Big Back Yard)

Students give yourselves a pat on the back! You did a wonderful job investigating the three types of soil we studied in class that are found in Georgia (loamy, sandy, and red clay). Your triple Venn diagrams were impressive.

Here's your homework task:
1.   From the article we read, choose one of the types of soil that we did not investigate and research more about it. You can find out where it is found, what grows well in it, and other special facts about it. You may create a diorama, report, drawing, or speech to bring in. 

Click here for the article in case you lost yours. Hopefully, it is in you Challenge Binder.

Click here for the link to the videos we watched in class and more!

M. A. Jones 3rd-5th graders (Law and Order)

Super job explaining the difference between a combative argument and debate. You also did a great job picking a stance about school uniforms and providing evidence during your mini debate session.

Homework Tasks
1.  Remember your "Dream Job" interviews are next week. So bring in your artifacts for your   
     "You Portfolio" (mock resume, work samples, pictures, etc). 

2.  Also, complete and bring in one of the tasks from your Three Branches of Government Tic-
     Tac-Toe Menu.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

No Gifted/Talent Development Classes February 3rd - March 14th, 2014

Classes will not meet during this time due to gifted testing. Students, please use this time to complete any unfinished tasks and assignments.  Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you back in class in March! Classes are scheduled to resume on March 17th.

Monday, February 3, 2014

3rd - 5th Grade Homework for the Week of February 3, 2014

Choose one activity from your Government Tic-Tac-Toe Choice Menu to complete.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week of January 13, 2014

M. A. Jones Students

Students will create a diorama, collage, or illustration of their yard.  Explain 5 of the living things and 5 non-living things they see in their yard.

Choose your mode of presentation (speech, song, drawing, essay, poster, or technology application)

      School Rules: Name two school rules you that are frequently broken in your school. What strategies or tools are in place to prevent these rules from being broken?  What are the consequences for breaking the rules? Are these strategies effective? Why or why not? Do you think the rules are clear and understandable to all students? Why or why not?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2nd Semester Updates - Homework for the Week of 1/6/14

January 7, 2014

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Happy New Year! The gifted and talented students will be embarking on a new instructional unit this semester. The first and second graders will be learning about Georgia’s habitats, culture, and history in the unit My Big Backyard.  Students will examine various ecosystems, plant and animal life, and important people in Georgia history. The third, fourth, and fifth grade students will be discovering the how the United States government (local, state, and federal) system works in the unit Law and Order.  Students will evaluate the effectiveness of local, state and federal laws and participate in a mock trial.

Your child’s class participation is vital to ensuring student success. Please make sure your child has and brings to class weekly a binder (a 2-inch wide three-ring notebook with notebook paper), pencils, and a composition book for journaling. Journals will be kept in class. Students should keep all class notes and handouts in the binder. Completing the end of the unit project is very difficult if students who have not maintained their binders. I encourage you to email me or call me if you have any questions about homework or class assignments.

During the month of February, there will be no Challenge classes due to gifted testing. I will assign a research project that should be completed at home during the month.

Mrs. Dickson

Homework Assignments
1st-2nd Grades
Complete your MyBig Backyard Page about your own yard.

3rd-5th Grades

Choose how to present (drawing, speech, essay, voki, poem)

School Rules: Name two school rules you that are frequently broken in your school. What strategies or tools are in place to prevent these rules from being broken?  What are the consequences for breaking the rules? Are these strategies effective? Why or why not? Do you think the rules are clear and understandable to all students? Why or why not?