Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Homework for the Week of March 24th

M. A. Jones

1st-2nd Grades - You were assigned one of the 7 Natural Wonders of Georgia. Complete your Jigsaw reading assignment and form to show you are an expert on the topic. When we return to class, you will be re-teaching the information you learned to a classmate.

3rd-5th Grades - Complete your persuasive essay using your guidelines and rubric. Bring it in typed or you may email it to me.


1st-2nd Grades - Conduct research on one of the 7 types of soil that we did not investigate today that are found in your article. Give specific details about what makes it unique, where it is found, what grows best in it, and any other relevant information. You may present your findings with a speech, report, drawing, or using technology.

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