Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Homework for the Week of March 17th

M. A. Jones 1st - 2nd graders (My Big Back Yard)

Students give yourselves a pat on the back! You did a wonderful job investigating the three types of soil we studied in class that are found in Georgia (loamy, sandy, and red clay). Your triple Venn diagrams were impressive.

Here's your homework task:
1.   From the article we read, choose one of the types of soil that we did not investigate and research more about it. You can find out where it is found, what grows well in it, and other special facts about it. You may create a diorama, report, drawing, or speech to bring in. 

Click here for the article in case you lost yours. Hopefully, it is in you Challenge Binder.

Click here for the link to the videos we watched in class and more!

M. A. Jones 3rd-5th graders (Law and Order)

Super job explaining the difference between a combative argument and debate. You also did a great job picking a stance about school uniforms and providing evidence during your mini debate session.

Homework Tasks
1.  Remember your "Dream Job" interviews are next week. So bring in your artifacts for your   
     "You Portfolio" (mock resume, work samples, pictures, etc). 

2.  Also, complete and bring in one of the tasks from your Three Branches of Government Tic-
     Tac-Toe Menu.

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